DENVER, Colo. — A Denver woman seeking the “perfect family” and a happy family believes she has come up with the perfect solution.
She has created mannequins that she lives with.

Woman uses mannequins instead of real life family members

DENVER, Colo. — A Denver woman seeking the “perfect family” and a happy family believes she has come up with the perfect solution.
She has created mannequins that she lives with.
The woman was prompted by family and friends questioning why she was still single in her 40’s. and the pressure to get married.
So she bought two store mannequins.
“I have an imitation family of a husband and one child,” she reportedly said. “I have the perfect husband. I have the perfect children. I have the perfect hom and we go on the perfect vacations.”
One wonders if the airlines charge the mannequins for a seat…
The woman says she hopes to help others not to buckle to societal pressure of what a life should look like — marriage, kids, the white picket fence — that you don’t have to fill quotas in your life.
“Your life is not proved worthy by the validation of others,” she said. “Don’t look to others to tell you who you are.”
There was no mention of her sex life with the mannequin husband…
