As part of our election coverage, we thought we’d take a stab and randomly ask some people to test their political savvy. We asked the following two questions and got ten answers a piece, all over the board.

Test your political knowledge!

As part of our election coverage, we thought we’d take a stab and randomly ask some people to test their political savvy. We asked the following two questions and got ten answers a piece, all over the board.

Question #1: What does DNC stand for?

Democratic National Committee

Democratic Naked Candidates

Do Not Cry (about Obamacare)

Divide N Conquer

Democratic National Confusion

Don’t Nixon Clinton

Did Not Complete

Determined to Nominate Clinton

Does Not Change

Drunken National Convention

Question #2: What does GOP stand for?

Grand Old Party

Guns are Our Priority

Gross Operating Profit

God’s Own Party

Gas Oil Petroleum

Grumpy Old Politicians

Geriatric Obstinate Partisans

Grand Obfuscation Party

Good ‘Ol Patriots

This should be an interesting election to say the least…
